пятница, 28 сентября 2012 г.

AMV клип / Under Your Spell

Аниме: Sankarea, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, Guilty Crown
Музыка: Cosmic Gate - Under Your Spell
Автор: pic4arts
Жанр: Romance, Sentimental
Размер клипа: 128.8 Мб
Длительность: 03:23
Дата создания: 01.08.2012

Комментарий автора: This is my first AMV I spend more than a couple hours edit time. I got the idea while listening to the song by Cosmic Gate. The main idea was to get some space footage with crazy tracking shots combined with Sankarea and Tasogare Otome x Amnesia which fit perfectly in the concept in my opinion. The second idea was to construct a feeling of a spell, so I started to experiment with colors and masks. The third concept idea was to create a feeling of interacting with the audience, so I tried to take szenes where the protagonist looks right to the audience. I divided the AMV in a part with cold colors and a part with warm colors. After cleaning up my footage (there were many credit scenes, which I covered with masks or fx tricks) I decided to remove some lyric text, which I integrated before, because some beta testers said, it would look better without it.

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